The  Luxe Lifestyle Showcase at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong

The Luxe Lifestyle Showcase at Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong

踏入12月, Skywow率先为你呈献节日巡礼,第一站是Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 的The Luxe Lifestyle Showcase,除了Skywow 有机礼品,还有更多品味精品、高级食品,欢迎莅临提早感受圣诞气氛🎄
日期: 1-3/12/2022
时间: 11am - 8pm
地点: 中环文华东方酒店2203号房
We are excited to meet you again in The Luxe Lifestyle Showcase @MO_HKG . See you this weekend 🥰
Date: 1-3 Dec 2022
Time: 11am - 8pm
Venue: Suite 2203, Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong